Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Game Development

Well, the new book is out It’s called Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Game Development.

Paperback: 528 pages
Publisher: Charles River Media; 2 edition (June 1, 2006)

It’s not a “brand new book”, it’s a “Second edition”. For those who don’t have the original, it’ll be all great and new to you. For those who have the original, you’re going to find a few updates and items for Flash 8 (and that’s especially what Flash 8 is good at; games)… To me, the entire tile-game engine in Flash 8 is worth its weight in gold.

It’s a great book, and I hope people enjoy it – it took a bit of work to put together.

Click here to order!

I’m really excited about it, and it covers some of the best things that Flash 8 has to offer in relation to games. It’s currently being used as curriculum material at many educational institutions around the world.

We cover full tile game development (like Super Mario) making use of the BitmapData object in Flash 8, and you’ll get to learn all sorts of amazing things and effects that can be specifically applied to games.

3 responses to “Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Game Development”

  1. Dear Glen; thus far I highly enjoy your book and I enjoy the introduction before the coding begins. Unfortunately the copy of the book I bought did not include the CD. Is it possible that I could get the sample code/pictures? After spending the money on a student edition of flash 8 I couldn’t completely afford the new version of your book so I did have to buy used, if it helps any though I can show the receipt to prove that I bought the book. Thank you for your time, and I hope you will consider it.

    Sincerely a young programmer wishing to shape his mind,
    Charles Phillips

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